According to the wave equation model, the wave speed of the plate should remains a constant number. This is far from what we see from out results in the last part. What's going on here? Is our derivation wrong? Well, not quite, as the results matches with many of the patterns created in laboratory environments. The only wrong thing is the very model that we chose to solve our problem. The two-dimensional wave equation was derived using the fact that the surface is assumed to be thin and membrane-like. Meaning that, the entire plate must be supported by tension. In reality, this is far from the case. Our plate is made of metal, a rigid object, and it is not thin enough to be considered a membrane, and therefore, it is not supported by tension, but something else. Although the wave equation has led to some decent approximation of a few patterns, in reality, the assumption that the displacement of the metal plate obeys the two-dimensional wave equation is almost completely false.
The rigid metal plate, unlike a membrane, is not supported by tension, but by something called the bending moment. This is a well-known concept in material science. The equation that truly describes the displacement of the plate is called the Biharmonic wave equation, a fourth-order, time-dependent partial differential equation, described by
or, written in a more compact form:
here, $\nabla^4 = \nabla^2 (\nabla^2)$, and
where $p$ is the density, $\nu$ is Poisson's ratio, $E$ is Young's modulus, and $h$ is the thickness of the plate. For a free-edge plate, the conditions that apply to this equation are the boundary conditions
and initial conditions:
Any attempts to solve this Boundary-Initial Condition using separation of variables is apparently not possible. While we were on our journey to find the eigenvalues with the first two boundary conditions, we ran into an very difficult problem: having to solve the equation
This is a very difficult task since $\zeta$ is not a numeric value, but a function of $y$, so attempting to solve the eigenvalue numerically is a very challenging task. Moreover, even if we can find, and express the eigenvalues in terms of $\zeta$, the task will be even more difficult since we now have to substitute back into the other boundary and initial conditions to solve for the exact values of the eigenvalues, making it pretty much impossible to solve for $p$'s. Many authors in the past have gone through this problem, and it is indeed true that it is not possible to solve this equation analytically, but the solution can only be achieved via numerical approximations.
As challenging as the problem is, it does not mean that nothing meaningful can be discovered from this equation. Although the square plate is indeed extremely difficult to solve, the circular plate, on the other hand, is... also difficult to solve. However, due to the symmetric nature of the circular plate, Rayleigh was able to show that
To understand the work of Rayleigh, we need to go back to the one-dimensional space. Take a 2-meter wooden ruler that we usually see in our average college classroom, and wave it. We will see that the ruler creates a standing wave. However, the equation governing the motion of the ruler is not the regular wave equation because of the reason similar to as stated above, but by the bending beam - flexural wave equation
Here, $c_L$ is the longitudinal wave speed, defined by the square root of the Young's modulus, $E$ divided by the density $\rho$
This is a bit different in two dimensions since there are lateral expansions in 2D. Authors Rossing and Fletcher mentioned in their work, that the correct equation for $c_L$ for a plate is
where $\nu$ is the ratio of lateral contraction to longitudinal elongation (also known as Poisson's ratio).
Going back to the biharmonic equation above. Since we know that the forcing function should not affect the general shape of the patterns, we can assume that $Q=0$ and rewrite it as
Apply separation of variables once again, but this time, only separate the time variable, $u(x, y, t) = U(x, y)e^{i\omega t}$. Thus, $u_{tt} = \omega^2 U(x, y)e^{i\omega t}$. Substitute in, and simplify, we obtain
By dimensional analysis, it is not too hard to see that this $k$ is the familiar "wave number" that we like and love. Therefore,
As stated by Rayleigh, Kirchhoff previously proved that
Notice that the numerator approaches zero faster than the denominator as $k\to\infty$. Since $f$ and $k^2$ are proportional, as $f\to\infty$, $k\to\infty$, and hence
Solving for $k$, we obtain
Substitute this back into the frequency equation above, we obtain
where $E$ is Young's modulus, $\rho$ is density, $\nu$ is the ratio of lateral contraction to longitudinal elongation (also known as Poisson's ratio), $h$ is the thickness, and $d$ is the diameter of the plate.
At this point, we can already work out the reason why the wave speed is not a constant. Authors Rossing and Fletchers mentioned in Principles of Vibration and Sound that the waves in the bending plate are "dispersive," and their speed depends on the frequency, and therefore, based on the equation that relates wave speed to angular frequency,
Thus, the wave speed is an increasing function, it increases as $f$ increases, and
This might explain why our wave speed has an increasing trend in the last section.
Here are a few images that matches the description of Chladni's prediction from our experiments:
By counting the number of rings on each pattern listed above, we can make a table as below:
$m$ | $4m^2$ | $f$ (Hz) |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 4 | 131 |
2 | 16 | 429 |
3 | 36 | 1079 |
4 | 64 | 1806 |
5 | 100 | 3320 |
6 | 144 | 4661 |
Since there are no diameter lines, $n=0$. The equation for $f$ becomes
This implies that $f$ and $(2m)^2$ have a linear relationship. Therefore, we plotted our data below to test this theory.
The plate is made of Aluminum, which has the following properties: $E = 68$ GPa, $p = 2710\;kg/m^3$, $\nu = 0.33$, $h=0.8\pm 0.3$ mm, $d = 0.241\pm 0.001$ m. Therefore, the coefficient $C$ is determined by
which is very close to our linear fit. The uncertainty of $C$ can be calculated by
The coefficient $C$ lies within our uncertainty range, which once again verifies the validity of Chladni's law.
The true flaw within this experiment arises from the inaccurate wave equation. The actual equation that describes the plate is the Biharmonic wave equation:
This equation is a fourth-order partial differential equation and, therefore, quite difficult to solve even with simple boundary conditions. However, with the given set of boundary-initial conditions, it was virtually impossible to solve because it required solving for multiple sets of non-elementary eigenvalues.
The uncertainty in this project was nearly deterred by the intimidating equations that describe the plate. However, by taking a more elementary and less intimidating approach—finding the $R^2$ of the set of data points in Chladni's Law for effective wave speed—we were able to gauge the validity of the data. Surprisingly, the data was extremely good when looking at our observed linear case. Moreover, I was able to determine an interval in which our coefficient $C$ was valid. The theoretical coefficient was found to be $33.1430 \pm 12.43$, while my experimental value is 33.73, which is surprisingly close! The uncertainty in $C$ was large because Young's modulus $E$ is quite large.
For the square plate, I was unable to find a relevant equation relating to the general increasing trend in the wave speed of the plate. It is important to note that the trend is not as noticeable in the square plate because the uncertainty in the frequency for the square plate was much larger than in the circular plate for some unknown reason. At the larger $f$ values, it can be seen that resonance occurred in intervals of $\pm 800 \;\mathrm{Hz}$ for some $f$ values. The wave speed, however, does not depend on the frequency in either case.
My knowledge was limited at the time, and I could not proceed further due to time constraints. However, a recent paper from 2020, titled “Stable and Accurate Numerical Methods for Generalized Kirchhoff-Love Plates,” by authors Nguyen, Li, and Ji, accurately modeled the patterns on Chladni plates. The plates in their paper have the same dimensions as those in my experiment, and the patterns on the plates are also identical, appearing at frequencies very close to those in this experiment. The paper used the full Biharmonic Equation.
Here, $p$ is the density, $K_0$ is the linear stiffness coefficient, representing the linear storing force, $T$ is the tension coefficient, $K_1$ is the linear damping term, $T_1$ is the visco-elastic damping coefficient, and $F(\mathbf{x}, t)$ is the forcing function. Moreover, $D$ is defined as